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CHAPTER I ASSOCIATIONS OF FAITHFUL IN GENERAL TITLE I NATURE, CONSTITUTIVE ELEMENTS, AUTHORITY Article 1 (Nature and objectives) 1. In the Church there are, besides Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, other associations in which Faithful, clergy and / or laity, in accordance with the Code of Canon Law (cf. 298-329) and their statutes, seek jointly to pursue some of the objectives that are consistent with their mission, namely: a. Fostering the Christian vocation in the world or a more perfect Christian life; B.) To promote public worship or Christian doctrine; C.) To carry out other activities of the apostolate, evangelization and works of piety or charity; D.) To shape the temporal order with the Christian spirit (cf. 298, §1, 215, 114). 2. These associations are called associations of the faithful. 3. Associations in which their members, living in the midst of the world the spirit of some Religious Institute, lead an apostolic life and tend to Christian perfection, under the guidance of the same Institute they are called Third Orders or another congruent one (cf. Canon 303). 4. Associations that promote public worship may be called: Confraternities, Brotherhoods or otherwise appropriate. Article 2 (Species of associations) There are two kinds of associations of the faithful, whose institution, organization and operation are generally regulated here: a.) Public Associations (can. B.) Private Associations (see can. 299). Article 3 (Statutes: obligation and content) 1. All associations of the faithful, whether public or private, whatever their title or designation, have their own statutes (see canon 304 § 1). 2. The statutes must include at least: a) The title or name, adapted to the uses of time and place, preferably chosen from the objectives of the association; B.) The purpose or social objective; C.) The seat; D.) The regime: designation, composition, competence of governing bodies; E.) Conditions for membership; F.) The way of acting; D.) The rights and duties of members and penalties for noncompliance. 3. The statutes of an association of the faithful shall not contain provisions contrary to the common and particular law of the Church. 4. The statutes must state whether the association is private or public; Being private, whether it has legal personality or not. 5. It must be said that the association is governed by the statutes and the canonical norms in force. 6. The aims or objectives of the association should be explained not only generically, but also with some concrete expressions. 7. In order that the association may constitute itself as an association of the faithful, it is necessary that its aims are in accordance with those defined in the Code of Canon Law (see canon 298, § 1). Article 4 (Amendment of the articles of association) The articles of association shall indicate the procedures to be followed for their modification. Generally, this competence belongs to the general assembly, and it is advisable that it requires two-thirds of the votes so that the amendments can be approved, without the approval of the competent authority being waived. Article 5 (Governing bodies) 1. The governing bodies of associations of the faithful may vary according to what the statutes deem fit to establish (see canon 94). 2. Generally, the bodies of associations are: the General Assembly, the Board of Directors or the Administrative Board and the Fiscal Council, in accordance with Portuguese civil legislation. 3. The period of time for which the governing bodies are appointed, which shall normally be three years, shall be indicated, unless otherwise determined by the articles of association. 4. Although the universal law of the Church does not restrict the number of government mandates of public associations of believers, it does not seem advisable to elect any member for more than two consecutive terms unless the general assembly expressly acknowledges Secret ballot, which is impossible or inconvenient to replace. 5. The simultaneous performance of more than one position in the same association is not allowed. 6. The management or administrative board is usually composed of the following positions: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and vowels. 7. The number of members of any governing body shall be odd. 8. In the Brotherhoods or Brotherhoods the president is usually appointed judge. Article 6 (Free exercise of office) 1. The exercise of any office in all government bodies in public associations is free, but may justify the payment of expenses derived therefrom. In private associations the same procedure will be desirable. 2. When the volume of the financial movement or the complexity of the administration of the associations require the prolonged presence of one or more members of the governing bodies, they may be remunerated, provided that the bylaws expressly permit or the assembly approves it. Article 7 (Surveillance and governance of ecclesiastical authority) 1. All associations of the faithful are subject to the supervision of competent ecclesiastical authority (cf. 305, § 1 and 323, § 1), according to their nature. The competent ecclesiastical authority is: - The Holy See: for all associations; - The Ordinary of the place: for diocesan associations and also for others, insofar as they act in the diocese (see canon 305, § 2). 2. To the same authority, to exercise the vigilance, duty and right to visit associations of the faithful, according to the norms of the Law and the statutes (canon 305, § 1). 3. The objective of this vigilance is: (a) To maintain the integrity of faith and morals (see canon 305, § 1); B.) Do not allow abuses to be introduced in ecclesiastical discipline, especially in observance of the statutes; (C) To seek that the dispersion of forces is avoided and that the exercise of the apostolate be ordained for the common good (see canon 323, § 2); (D) To ensure that temporal goods are used for the purposes of association (see can. 325, § 1); 4. All associations of the faithful are subject to the government of the competent authority, according to the provisions of the Law and these norms (see canon 305, § 1). Article 8 (Functioning of the organs and responsibility of its members) 1. Minutes shall always be kept of the meetings of any organ of the association. 2. The members of the governing bodies are accountable under ecclesiastical and state law. 3. In addition to the reasons foreseen in the Law, the members of the governing bodies are exempt from liability if: a. They have not taken part in the respective resolution and fail to declare in the minutes of the immediate session in which they are present; B.) Have voted against this resolution and have it recorded in the respective minutes. Article 9 (Admission and readmission of associates) 1. The admission of members is done according to the Law and the Statutes of each association (canon 307, § 1). 2. The same person may join several associations (see canon 307, § 2). 3. The requirements for admission and readmission shall be included in the statutes of the associations. 4. It can not be received in associations of the faithful: a.) Who has publicly rejected the Catholic faith; B.) Who has abandoned the ecclesiastical communion; C.) Who has incurred in excommunication applied or declared (see canon 316, § 1). D.) Whoever is enrolled in associations that conspire against the Church (see canon 1374); E) Who does not enjoy a good moral and social reputation; F.) Who is not willing to accept Christian principles and rules governing associations of the faithful (see can. 915). Article 10 (Rights of members) Each member, validly admitted and not legitimately dismissed, has the right: a.) To enjoy the rights, privileges, indulgences and other graces; B.) To participate in the elections provided for in the Statutes. Article 11 (Obligations of members) The fundamental duties of associates are: a.) To contribute to the achievement of the association's objectives; B.) Accept the positions for which he is appointed and the services legitimately requested and to perform them with diligence; C.) Satisfy the jewel of entry; D.) To pay the quota due; (E) To strive for the credit and prosperity of the association. Article 12 (Resignation of associates) 1. Those who, after being legitimately admitted, have incurred in any of the situations provided for in number 4 of Article 9, are dismissed from the association of the faithful. 2. The resignation is made according to the Statutes, under a previous warning, and save the right to appeal to the competent ecclesiastical authority mentioned in Article 22 (can. 316, § 2). 3. No one, legitimately admitted, is dismissed from an association, except for a just cause in accordance with the Law and the Statutes (can. 308). 4. The Statutes of associations of the faithful may provide for other causes of dismissal. TITLE II LEGAL PERSONALITY OF ASSOCIATIONS OF FAITHFUL Article 13 (Notion of legal person) In the Church, in the scope of Canon Law, in addition to individuals, there are also legal entities, that is, subjects of obligations and rights that are consistent with their (See can. 13, § 2). Article 14 (Origin of the legal entity) Legal entities are governed by ecclesiastical law and are constituted, or by exigency of Canon Law itself, or by express concession of the competent authority, by means of a formal and peculiar decree (cf. 116, §2 and 322). Article 15 (Conditions for granting legal personality) No legal personality shall be granted except to those private associations of believers which pursue genuinely useful objectives and, if considered, have means which are expected to be sufficient to attain the proposed end ( See can. 114, § 3). Article 16 (Species of juridical persons) There are two fundamental species of juridical persons: Associations and Foundations, both of which may be public or private (can 115, § 1). Article 17 Associations: notion and division 1) Associations are groups of persons, ordained for purposes consistent with the mission of the Church, which transcend individual objectives, which are constituted in a legal entity, or as required by law, Or by grant of the competent authority (see 114, § 1 and 115, § 1). 2. For the constitution of an Association, at least three individuals are required (see can. 115, § 2). 3. According to the way of acting, the Association is collegial or non-collegial: a.) Is collegial when all its members decide and act as a whole; B.) It is not collegial when its members do not decide nor act as a whole. Article 18 (Representative of the legal entity) 1. The public legal entity, acting on its behalf, represents those who are recognized as competent by universal or particular law or by its own statutes (can. 2. The private juridical person represents those to whom this competence is attributed by the statutes (see canon 118). CHAPTER II PUBLIC ASSOCIATIONS OF FAITHFUL TITLE I NATURE, PURPOSES, GOVERNING BODIES Article 19 (Nature) 1. Public associations of the faithful are those who are erected as such by the competent ecclesiastical authority and who normally continue The public good in the name of the Church (see canon 313). 2. It is through the decree of erection that the public association acquires legal personality, which is also public. 3. The decree of erection, to be valid, must be in writing and signed by the competent authority. Article 20 (Purposes) 1. The public associations of the faithful have some exclusive purpose, namely to teach Christian doctrine in the name of the Church, to promote public worship and to pursue other purposes reserved by their nature to ecclesiastical authority . These ends are excluded from private.

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